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Prospect Meeting

After your prospect has agreed to take a look at what you have started doing or they have asked for more information, follow this meeting format...


1) Start by playing one of the following videos:

2) After they watch one or more of the videos above ask them what they liked best. (Be sure to listen closely to what they are saying so you can discover what they need based on what they say)


3) Share your product story. Highlight some of your personal results and why you chose to take Juice Plus. 


4) if you haven't already, ask them if they are open to hearing more about the business opportunity. Be sure to let them know that you want to share this opportunity with them because you believe it will help solve a need or desire they have for their life (you will have already found out what this need is: financial freedom, pay a few extra bills, etc).   


5) Share your business story if you haven't already


6) Show one of the following videos or another video from the Business Of Juice Plus page.



7) After they watch one or more of the videos ask them: "On a scale of 1-10; 1 being, no interest at all and 10 being, I would love to do this with you, where are you?" Anywhere above 8 they are probably ready to sign up. Anything below 8 ask them: "would you mind helping me learn from this? What would it take to get your number higher?" (Allow them to share with you where their hesitations are. This is a great opportunity to overcome objections right away). 


8) Depending on their readiness choose one of the following steps:

     a) If they are ready to sign up (anything above and 8 out of 10) book an appointment for Start Up Steps (New Rep) and introduce them to your closest National Marketing Director (Currently for Team Dragonfly this is Len Ward) or upline in a text or Facebook private message thread. 

     b) If they require more information offer to send them a video link, brochure and/or invite them to a Facebook party, live event or book another one-on-one meeting. 



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