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Why choose vegan beauty products?

The cosmetics and beauty care industry is a billion dollar industry; however, many of

the products on the market contain harmful chemicals and require testing on animals.

Our skin is highly permeable and is less than one-tenth of an inch thick. Skin, the largest organ in the body, is a porous membrane that is highly sensitive to toxic chemicals. What we put on our skin affects our health just as much as, if not more than, what we put in our mouths.

It has been reported that the harsh chemicals that are in these products cause all sorts of health issue such as cancer and other fatal effects.

David Suzuki has written a great article on the top dirty chemicals to avoid at all costs. Read his article here >>

Many of these cosmetics and personal care products also contain animal products and go through rigorous animal testing, which sadly subjects innocent sentient beings to painful testing. It is important that we, as consumers, do not support this kind of testing. How can we do this? By voting with our dollars and ONLY support companies that do NOT do any testing on animals or use animal products.

Cruelty-Free Kitty has a full guide about a variety of vegan-friendly make-up companies that you can support.

PETA has also a list of over 22 beauty brands that are vegan and cruelty-free.

Let's do our best to spare our furry friends from these cruel practices by supporting companies that take the extra step to ensure animals are unharmed in the production of their products.

Until next time!

May the magic of living nutrition bring you a lifetime of healthy abundance.



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