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It's not always easy to get adequate nutrition with our food this is where supplements come in.

Why Supplement?


1) There are times when it's just not possible to eat enough so whole food suplementation bridges the gap between what you are eating and what you need for optimal health. The recommended servings of fruits and vegetables is 10-14; 18 for athletes.


2) Most produce is not vine ripened. This means that most produce is picked green and as a result the nutritional value is low. Whole food supplements will provide the nutrients that the food you eat is lacking.


3) The soil most produce is grown in is nutrient depleted; therefore, the food has a lower nutritional density.  Whole food supplements will provide the nutrients that the food you eat is lacking


4) Most produce has been sprayed with chemicals and genetically altered. Certain whole food supplements are non-GMO, organic and chemical and pesticde free.


5) If you live in Northern Countries you may be deficient in Vitamin D; therefore, need to supplement.


6) Digestive enzyme supplements might be necessary to help break down food.


7) Probiotics are necessary for most people to support the micrbiome and create a healthy digestive tract.


8) All vegans require a B12 or B complex supplement. B 12 can also be found in fermented and fortified foods.



My Favorite Supplements


There are only two brands of supplements I use and recommend. This is because they are made with whole food ingrdients, are non-GMO, chemical and pesticide free, proven effective by research and recommended by top health care professionals around the world.


Click on the logos below to shop.




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