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Roadmap To NMD

Congratulations on making the decision to reach National Marketing Director.  These “Assignments” are action focused and designed to bring you out of your comfort zone with intentional all out massive action. If you have made the decision to make it to the top as quick as possible, know that being teachable and trusting the process will be so important as you embark on this journey.  Will it be Easy? Nope! Simple? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely!


This is your HOMEWORK…  Feel free to follow the Assignments in order or jump around but be sure to complete ALL of them. One extremely helpful piece of the puzzle is to stay accountable to your uplines weekly. Here is a Weekly Coaching Form that you should complete and send to your business partner (upline, side-line buddy, other support person) every Sunday.














Assignment #1

Watch the video below and text your upline with 3 things you learned:

How to get to NMD fast courtesy of Michelle Ball, Team Synergy:




Assignment #2

Create a current vision board to become clear about your future vision. Include specific dates as well. (We suggest you create a vision board conference to conference). Watch the video below for instructions:



Assignment #3


Connect with new people on social media using the Social Media Training techniques:


Assignment #4


Reach out to at least three people who are not yet on your team and build that relationship without any mention of Juice Plus. If they live near you see if you could meet them for a beer, coffee or a play date. If they live far away try to have a phone chat or FaceTime to catch up. If the relationship has been left untouched for too long to ask for a phone chat or hangout then simply have a long and in depth Facebook chat with them.


Sample conversation starter:
"Hey ______, how are you these days?? You were on my heart today and I thought I'd reach out. What is new in your world?"

Your goal in that conversation is to ask at least 10 questions about their life. Try to talk about yourself as little as possible. Find genuine and meaningful compliments you can give them. 

(*** Caution - be prepared to feel good :)


Assignment #5


Please watch the video below and send to 20 people on your prospect list. 


“Hey, it might sound strange but you were on my mind today it’s been on my heart to share something with you. I have no idea if it’s for you or not but I’ve noticed a huge benefit to my whole family and if nothing else I would love your opinion on it because you are so __________________ (insert genuine compliment).

 (Wait for the reply with a “yes” )

"Thank you so much! When do you think you could give it a look?

(Wait for reply)

Here is the link, I will check in on you then (time set above). Can't wait to hear your thoughts!”



(Check in with them to see if it's something they might like to try, if they have objections or concerns see if you can send them some more information - see Prospect Meeting).






Assignment #6


Please watch this video to learn the important things about Effectively Starting a New Distributor. Text your upline with 3 things you learned and plan to implement right away. 



Assignment #7


Create a DMO (Daily Method of Operation) that fits with your lifestyle.

Michelle Ball ~ The key to our business is to work it every single day. Sometimes that will be 5 min and sometimes 5 hours depending on your goals and what day of the week it is. Below I have attached an example DMO of mine when I was pushing from 12 club to 100 club. I took a screen shot and saved is as my screen saver so when I checked the time I could see my schedule. Any time outside of cell time or free time I was not "allowed" to check my phone. Also morning routine and supper to bed time was completely protected time with my children. Other than extreme rarities my phone was upside down on the charger during these hours. While I followed this DMO I was at peak efficiency and performance. 
If you work full time you'll have to decide where your business fits in. Morning, after kids go to bed, lunch break. If you work on shifts you may have to have two different DMOs, one for work and one for home. Remember consistency is absolutely key and don't take your foot off the gas...


My Daily Routine

6-7am: Shower/Meditate 

7-8:30am: Morning routine 

8:30-9am: Cell Phone Time 

9-10:30am: Work Out 

10:30-11:30am: Priority #1 

11:30-1pm: Lunch 

1-3pm: Priority #2 

3-3:45pm: Cell Phone Time 

3:45-5:30pm: Kids Activities 

5:30-6:30pm: Supper 

6:30-8pm: Bath and Bed 

8-10pm: Work or Free Time 

10-10:30: Bedtime Routine (me)


Weekly Calendar

Monday - Evening Off

Tuesday - Laundry 

Wednesday - Make Posters/Evening Event

Thursday - Customer Care/Selfie Videos

Friday - Day Trips


If you need more ideas on how to find more time in your days … this video on Time Management by Emma Sneddon is a great watch.



Assignment #8


Customers are the lifeblood of our business... Be sure to follow our comprehensive but simple Customer Care Guidelines with all of your new and existing customers.


This week take some time to show them some extra love. Send a card in the mail, a gift card, invite them for coffee, send a grateful selfie video. Make that connection and stand out from the crowd of all the other things out there (after all, we are known for our exceptional customer service.) 


Once contact is made you could find out how their journey is going and see if they would host a wellness party for you:


"Hey, that's so awesome you are loving your JP, I was wondering if you might want your friends and family to feel the benefits just as you have? Would you ever be open to hosting a Wellness Party and you could invite them? I would take care of the rest! All you have to do is invite and I can bring the party to you (and of course, I will do the talking)

It's always a fun time with zero pressure”.  Who knows, It could be some distributors in the making!


Assignment #9


Do you have family and friends that live in another area? Where was your home town if its not where you are living now? It’s time to broaden your horizons.  Reach out to them and see if they would host an in home event for you. Remember to teach them the best ways to Invite. And then get on the road! It is so refreshing to go out to new area’s and often times a distributor is born. (Making a commitment of this kind can create a shift in you that will propel you forward while spreading the word about  Juice Plus).


Assignment #10


Schedule in some time every single day to do the following abundance meditation. Its amazing how  things really begin to change and financial abundance became a reality.  Watch the video below to learn the technique:



Assignment #11


What is your brand? What is your #hashtag?


How do you wish to show up on Social Media and  who do you want to attract? This is the most authentic version of what you are about.  If you are struggling to think of what yours could be take a look to your top values (what is important to you in your life) they will give clues to who you are. (Also take a look at the seven questions in the photos below for some ideas). 


Create curiosity with attraction marketing. This means creating a brand that gives the audience a sense of what your life and business is all about. What fun you have, how much you are learning, doing and growing. This will create a sense of curiosity and get them to ask you what you are up to. 





Assignment #12


Create a photo collage like the examples below including your title (i.e. full time dental assistant, part time entrepreneur), one photo that represents you well and a 2-3 sentence description of the positive things this business has done for you. If you're new then share what you are hoping for with this franchise and why you joined.


Most important, choose one story from our Distributor Stories Album and post at least once per week on your own personal wall from a very heart centred perspective. Avoid being pushy or judgmental (i.e: DO NOT SAY THIS: "I watch people struggle with money and wonder why they don't join us in network marketing"). Instead simply share how happy you are for your friend in the image and tell your people you would love to help them have a similar experience if they think it would be a fit!! The goal is to get out there and change the world with our mission!




To make your own infograph go to, choose your favourite design, insert a fun pic and a short story about you and why you chose Juice Plus+. 


Save your picture and post to your Social Media about once a week or so with some fun message about what you are grateful for or some positive things you have going on in your life. 


Email your infograph to so we can add you to our Distributor Stories Album. 


Assignment #13


Update your prospect "list":

If you haven't done it in a while, start to revise and update your prospect list.  Scroll through your Facebook friends, phone contacts and Instagram. Sit in a quiet place, get grounded and ask for guidance as to who else needs to know about JP and our mission to share it with others.


Search them out (if they haven't popped up on Facebook in a while) and comment on something on their feed so you will start to see their posts again and they will see yours. 


Keep a note in your phone that you can constantly be adding to, this way you can automatically add people to the list as you run into them or see them in your social media feed (if they are not already). That's why we call this a living document (it's ever-changing).


Next, brainstorm around your list with an up line or sideline to get some of their ideas on ways you can approach them... And then — it takes 20 seconds of insane courage to reach out to someone you care about with the gift of health.


Assignment #14




Send out a full screen (12 - 15) selfie video's to mostly Prospects (Customers and Team Members count too) but try to keep it mostly to Prospects. 


Inviting them to: come to an event, host a party, hear the info, watch a video, give feedback... Whatever the approach. Make sure you set a deadline (3  days ) to send as many SELFIE VIDEO's (no exceptions) out to as many people as possible!!!

(This is a challenge for sure but you will feel so accomplished once those videos are sent!)

Have fun! Don't take yourself too seriously, remember that you are reaching out of your comfort zone to help others




Assignment #15


Releasing & Embracing


Watch the video (courtesy of Sandy

Veilleux, Team Synergy) >>>

1st part of the challenge (statement)

"All that I wish to release ..."

2nd part of the challenge (statement)

"All that I wish to draw in."





Assignment #16


The Whiteboard 

Do you have a visual plan for goals? Sometimes having multiple scribbles on various notes can be a clutter in the mind. Finding a white board from Staples (can even be from the dollar store ) to write down a map or  "plan" can be very helpful AND it draws in the Law Of Attraction. 

The day after qualifiers day is a great time to create a clean slate and set your intentions.


How you organize it is completely personal but you want to make sure that some key components are there... after all this is a living , breathing list that you will constantly be adding too and shifting around (based on the activity that's happening).


An example is below to give you an idea of what to add to your whiteboard.  There is no right or wrong way to create this; whatever works to keep your mind in clarity IS the right way. 





Assignment #17


Freedom Lifestyle Project Calls


This challenge is to have AT LEAST 1 prospect on ALL of the Lifestyle & Freedom Project Calls Zoom calls on Sundays at 9:00 PM. 









Assignment #18


The key to success is to stay focused on your goals and keep learning and growing. 


Keep coming to the training calls, invite to the Freedom Lifestyle Calls and study the ongoing trainings you will find on the Building Your Business page. These will always be updated so keep referring back. 

​© 2018 by RJO Wellness & Associates

21140 Dominion PO, Calgary, Alberta Canada

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