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What's This Obsession With STUFF?

It seems that every year after the American Thanksgiving November everyone shifts into a shopping frenzy! People fight each other in the stores for the best deals and yell at each other in frustration.

I made the mistake of going to the mall on Black Friday to pick up a package from the post office and it began in the parking lot! I drove around, and around and around and used the time to practice having patience.

I soon found a great spot, lucky enough, and headed in to the craziness that was the mall that day.

As I walked through the parking lot I saw a lady knocking on a car door, yelling at the guy behind the wheel and calling him all sorts of names just because he took her "so-called" spot. It was sad.

I walked through the door of the mall and instantly felt the hustle and bustle of the people looking for their "deal-of-the-day." Every store had a sign boasting their specials and enticing the thousands of consumers to walk through their door.

Luckily, I didn't need to stay at the mall long but what I came away with that day was this..... WHAT IS THE OBSESSION WITH ALL THIS STUFF?"

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to live in the modern world where I can choose to wear nice clothes, have a smart phone and drive a car but many years ago I let go of the attachment to having so much stuff.

I invite you to think of this.... what happens when you go to the mall and get the best deal of the day? You come home with an armful of bags and spread out your new purchases on the bed. As you look at them do they still give you the allure and happiness that they did when you were at the store?

That's the problem.... the gratification stuff gives you is short lived.

Now, think of this... let's say you choose to refrain from going to the mall and buying things you don't really need and instead you sign up for a course. You decide to make an investment in yourself. You learn a new skill that will help you reach your goals and the life you desire. Doesn't that feel so much better?

Stuff comes and goes but YOU are forever!

You are the most valuable investment in the world! Nothing compares to investing in you. Spending money on investing in yourself will give you 10-fold the return on your investment! The investment in yourself is more valuable than investing in real estate, the stock market or stuff.

What is your dream? Are you living the life you want right now? Or, have you chosen to surround yourself by "stuff" that hasn't really supported your dreams and goals... and maybe has even hindered your progress towards the life of your dreams.

This holiday season, what will you choose? Spend your money on yourself to improve yourself, grow and upgrade your life? Will you invest in the life you want, in your future, your business and the message you have for the world?

What experiences do you want, what skills do you need to make your dreams a reality? How do you want to spend your time and resources?

When you invest in yourself, the sky is the limit, this is not the case with stuff.

You are THE MOST valuable resource and investment in the world. The only way to achieve the life you desire is to invest in yourself.

You know what the best thing is? THE CHOICE IS YOURS :)

Happy holidays!

Rachel Joy Olsen

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