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How To Replace Irrational Thoughts To Overcome Barriers And Reach Your Goals

Many people are blocked from reaching their health and wellness goals, career and relationship goals due to negative thought patterns and beliefs. Have you ever thought that your thoughts may be what's holding you back from getting what you want in life?

Did you know that your beliefs determine how you feel and behave in response to a situation rather than the situation itself? Think of it this way, if something stressful or frustrating happens how do you respond? Do you think, "no problem, everything will work out as it should," or, do you automatically go to negative thoughts such as, "why do bad things always happen to me?" If you tend to default to the negative it might be time to change these thought patterns and negative beliefs so you can get what you want.

To move forward in your thinking and choose positive thoughts rather than negative and irrational thoughts there are a few questions you can ask yourself when you notice a negative thought appearing in response to a situation. These questions include:

1) What is the evidence for or against this thought? Is there any merit to why you have this negative thought? Has the exact situation happened before to make you think this way?

2) What would you tell a friend who was in the same situation? Have you ever noticed that it seems easier to give advice to friends as opposed to yourself? It's always easier to look at things in a more unbiased way as third party observer.

3) What is the worst thing that could happen? How bad would that really be? If the situation you are worried about actually did happen would it be the end of the world? Even if it is unpleasant is there some good that could come out of it?

4) Is it really true that you MUST, SHOULD, HAVE TO......? I believe that if you are saying you "should" do something then it's obviously something that's not in your hearts desire and it merits some thought. Much distress comes from doing things you don't really want to do so be true to what you want as much as possible.

5) Are there any other possible responses beside blaming yourself? Can you look at the situation from a different light and have some compassion for yourself?

6) Is there any way to look at this positively? Finding the positive in every situation is always the best way to look at things.

7) Is thinking this way helping the situation, yourself or others or making things worse? Often, shifting your thoughts to positive alone can help a situation. Holding on to negative thoughts only hurts you and the people around you.

8) How have you tolerated these situations in the past? Take a look at ho you've reacted to similar situations in the past. How did that turn out?

To move forward in your life it is critical that you are able to shifts your negative thoughts and beliefs otherwise things will remain the same. If you desire true, lasting change for the better shift your thoughts and beliefs to be more matter what!

Until next time,


Rachel Joy Olsen, BSc., MBA

Health & wellness coach

Owner & founder R.J.O. Wellness Coaching & Academy

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