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What Makes You Special?

When you are building your business it is important that you separate yourself in some way that

makes you unique.

What do you offer that no one else does? If other people offer the same products and services you do then what is it about you that would make your ideal client want to work with you rather than someone else doing the same thing?

This is where you get to think of all the wonderful things you have done that brings you to do what you are doing in your business. It is you chance to take a look at what you have that others don't and boast a little. yes, I know sometimes this can be hard but stay with me here...

The reason why you want to learn to boast is to separate yourself form the competition by positioning yourself as an expert in your field. When you do this, your ideal clients will trust you and want to work with you.

Other than positioning yourself as an expert is is a good idea to go through a little exercise called the SWOT game. This is nothing more than setting up a chart where you can look at the different aspects of your business.

What is SWOT?

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats and is an essential exercise for any business owner. Here is what you do...

1) Strengths: Make a list of all the areas in your business that make you unique and the reason why anyone would want to work with you. This may be what you bring personally, your staff brings and your products and services bring to the table that will help your ideal customer solves a problem.

For example, let's say you are a nutrition coach your strengths may include that you have a diploma in nutrition, 5 years experience working with families and have had your own personal weight loss struggle that will allow people to relate to you. You offer online coaching services so your clients can connect with you form anywhere in the world and you offer the highest quality whole food supplements on the market that have proven results.

I challenge you to make this list now.... and discover all the wonderful things you have to offer to your prospects.

2) Weaknesses: Make a list of all the areas that you feel need some improvement. This may be how you need to improve, your staff or products and services need to improve.

For example, let's say you own a fitness studio and your staff struggle with making sales, or your members complain about the lack of cleanliness of the studio. These are all areas that you can look at and discover ways you can improve, which will only enhance your revenue.

I challenge you to make this list now.... don't leave anything out and don't be scared to be hard on yourself and your business because it is the only way to grow. By making this list you will discover all the areas that need improvement in your business.

3) Opportunities: Make a list of all the opportunities that are available to you and your business right now. This may be in-house or community opportunities.

For example, let's say you are building your own coaching practice and there is a chance to speak to a group of small business owners who need assistance in building their business at a local networking event. This is a great chance for you to gain some exposure and potentially attract new clients.

I challenge you to make this list now and discover all the potential opportunities that are out there for you and your business right now!

4) Threats: Make a list of all the things that threaten your business. This may be from community competition or your own personal threats.

For example, some items on this list may be your fear of going to networking events and meeting new people. Another threat may be that a small studio just opened up close to yours offering similar services.

I challenge you to make this list now and discover all the things that could take your business down. The wonderful things about looking at threats is that they could also uncover ways to improve and new opportunities.

Once you discover everything you can about these different areas develop an action plan for improvement and ways to promote yourself so that you can get out there, help the people who need you and make a different in the world.

Hope this helps!

Rachel Joy Olsen, BSc., MBA

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