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Who Is Your Ideal Client?

Knowing who your ideal client is is essential when building your business yet most small business owners have no clue who it is they are trying to connect with and help. You may have a general idea of who you'd like to help, or feel you can help everyone, but this is not the case. Until you take the time to really discover who your ideal client is you will have a hard time attracting more clients into your business.

The first thing to discovering your ideal client is think about the type of person you want to work with then ask yourself a series of questions to gain event more clarity on who that person really is.

Some questions to ask yourself to discover your ideal client include:

1) What is my ideal client's name?

2) What does this person look like?

3) What does this person do for work? How much do they make?

4) Where does this person live? City? What type of home?

5) Who does my ideal client live with? Alone? Married? Pets?

6) What does this person like to do for fun?

7) Where does this person like to shop, educate themselves, look for advice, hang out?

8) What does this person struggle with? What problem can my products and services solve for them?

Once you have a really clear picture in your mind about who your ideal client is only then can you begin to market your products and services. If you have no clue who your are speaking to then your ideal clients will have no idea that you are speaking to them.


Ideal client examples:

Cindy is a stay-at-home mother of two kids, a boy and a girl, who is married and lives in a nice home in suburbia.

The problems she may need help with include: how to feed her kids on the go, how to stay in shape around her kids schedule or how to keep her marriage alive.

What products and services do you offer that can give great value to her and solve her problems?


Jenny is a single working professional who lives alone in downtown Calgary with her cat. She has a lot of disposable income and loves to spend a great deal of time doing outdoor activities with her friends and going out on a lot of dates in hopes of meeting the perfect companion.

The problems she may need help with include: finding the best foods to eat on a day-long hiking trip, how to dress for the perfect date, how to stay moving at her desk at work or where to meet new people.

What products and services do you offer that can give great value to her and solve her problems?


By taking some time to figure out who your ideal client is, and developing a relationship with this ideal client if nothing more than in your mind, you will better understand the needs of your client and be able to market to this potential client more effectively.

If you need some help determining your ideal client please email me at and I will be happy to help!


Rachel Joy Olsen, BSc., MBA

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