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How To Get Your Prospects To Take Action

As you know taking action is the only way that you can begin to get your clients saying "YES" to what you are offering to them. The more often you get your prospects say yes to small things, such as opting in to an email list for a free download, the more likely they will shift from a prospect to a high paying client.

There are a few ways you can encourage your potential client to take action such as:

1) Offer an enticing FREE download providing your client with valuable information. Show a picture of the download, an explanation of what they will receive when they put their name in for the download and include a download now button. Set up an auto responder that gives your client access to the information you promised to them. Their information will be added to your database for future connections.

2) Invite your client to join a webinar that you host. Develop a valuable talk that you can deliver through a webinar and promote to your clients. Put this information on your website, or social media page, and have a register now button.

3) Offer to give your client a complimentary coaching session. A one-on-one session is the perfect way to discover your client's needs and show them how you can help them. This is a very valuable session for the client and a huge action step on their part.

4) Invite your client to work with you and help them solve their problems. The ultimate goal is inspiring your client to make an investment in themselves. Once they understand that the value you will bring to their life will be the best investment they will ever make they will be more than happy to say yes and invite you to coach them.

Hope this helps!

Rachel Joy Olsen, BSc., MBA

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