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3 Ways To Stay Focused On Your Goals

I did a Facebook live event this weekend to answer a client question I received awhile back. The questions was, "How do I stay focused and motivated to keep going in my business in the face of many "no's" and negativity from people in my life."

I thought that my answer to this question could be applied to not only your business but to your health and wellness, financial and other life goals as well.

The most important thing you need to do when focusing on any goal is to have BELIEF! This must be

so strong that it wouldn't matter what came along your belief would be so strong that you would stay on course.

For this to work you must have belief in three things:

1) You must have belief in your overall goal. For you to stay focused and committed on any goal you must believe in the goal itself. This means that you must believe that when you accomplish this goal you will receive some great benefit.

For example, if you set a weight loss goal you must believe that losing this weight will bring you better health, or more energy or something positive.

Or, if you are working on building your business you must have a strong belief in the industry you are in. This means having full confidence that the industry your business is in provides value to your customers in some way. If you have any negative feelings or ill will towards the industry as a whole you will not be successful.

2) You must have belief in the process. For you to accomplish a goal you must develop a process or a system that you can take action on. Otherwise, your goal is just a wish.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight you must decide how you will go about losing weight. You will have to determine how much exercises you will do and what you will do to burn calories and build muscle. You must determine what foods are the best for you to eat to accomplish this goal. Finally, you must also decide how you will relax and give your body time to recover and repair from all your hard work.

If this is in regards to your business this is where you must have a strong belief in your products or services. You must fully believe that what you are offering to people will give them great value.

3) You must believe in yourself. This is probably the most important aspect. We've all heard the saying, "whether you think you can or can't you're right!" This is very true. If you believe you can lose weight... you will. If you believe you will attract the right the right people into your business so it will build and be successful you will!

Now, the next question I am asked is, "How do I build my belief in these three areas?"

That's easy...

1) You build belief in your overall goal by learning as much as you can about this goal and what it will do for you once you accomplish it.

For example, if your goal is to build your business you build a strong belief in the industry you are in by learning as much as you can about that industry and the value it provides to the world.

2) You build belief in the process by understanding the steps it will take to get you to where you are going such as the products and services you will need to embrace to be successful.

if you are building your business this is where you must educate yourself as much as you can about the products and services you provide to your customers so that you can explain the benefits. You also must fully understand the steps it will take to attract customers, build rapport, show them your offer and make the sale.

3) You build belief in yourself by listening to positive messages, learning from successful mentors, setting yourself up for success and celebrating each success no matter how big or small.

Remember, you are here for a reason. You are hear to find your purpose and to share your gifts with others. When you have full belief in yourself and what you can do you will accomplish anything your heart desires!

I hope you found great value in this post today!

Until next time,



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