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The Gift of GREAT SEX

WELCOME to Day 8 of the 12-Days of Holiday Joy! Each day I will share with you valuable health, fitness, nutrition and/or wellness information and give lucky winners of the draw an amazing gift!

Today I give you the gift of GREAT SEX!

Did that get your attention? I bet it did! Today I want to talk about how you can have better sex. If this is a topic that doesn't interest you then please feel free to close your browser now. However, if sex is something you are interested in... and something you would like to have more of then keep reading.

I chose to write a blog in this because we live in a strange society where sex is everywhere, and everyone talks about it and wants it, yet in so many ways sex is taboo, bad, and kept as a secret behind closed doors. Of course I am not suggesting that we should be walking around naked and conducting ourselves in an inappropriate manner but there is nothing wrong with talking about it and learning how we can have better connections with ourselves and others through sexual experiences.

Did you know that pretty much everything I have been writing about over the past 10 days or so can lead to you having better sex?

How to have better sex:

1) Eat a healthy diet. Eating fresh, whole foods is the perfect way to have better sex. Studies show that the healthier a person is the better the sex drive will be. When you eat a healthy diet it will be easier to manage your weight, feel better about yourself and feel sexy leading to better sex.

2) Stay positive. Staying positive is something that will allow you to have better sex because people who are positive are more attractive to others. If you are always negative and grouchy why would your partner want to have sex with you? Have fun, relax and stay positive!

3) Act with integrity. If you are in a romantic relationship treat it with care. Stay honest and cherish the one you are with. If you are always going behind the person's back, or not doing what you say you are going to do, this will kill the sex.

4) Stay active. The more fit you are the better you will feel about yourself and the more stamina you will have allowing the sex to be better!

5) Love yourself and others. The more you love yourself the better sex you will have. This may mean abstaining from sex with random people because you have love and respect for yourself. When you love yourself you will be able to love your partner allowing the connection between the two of you to be stronger.

6) Practice yoga. Yoga means union; union with yourself and union with the Divine. The stronger your internal connection, the more love and respect you will have for yourself and others and the better sex you will have. In the eight limbs of yoga one of the Yama is Brahmacharya, or non-lust. This doe snot mean that you are to refrain from sexual encounters but to avoid meaningless sexual encounters. Instead use this sexual energy to develop a stronger connection with your spiritual self and meaningful connections with others.

7) Be truthful. This one is my favourite and one that often needs to be practiced. This means to no be afraid to tell your partner what you want and what you like. Just let go and have fun with the person you love. It will develop an even stronger connection to yourself and each other.

After today there is only one more day of the 12-days of Holiday Joy Giveaway contest. I hope that you have enjoyed the information I have shared with you over these past fews days.

Tomorrow I will be giving away the grand prize of:

  • Two, 30 minute virtual coaching sessions

  • Two, 60 minute mind-body fundamentals classes

  • Hard copy of the Magic of Living Nutrition

  • Downloadable copy of Morgan's Journey

  • FREE registration to The Mind-Body Upgrade 12-week program (access to the live workshop and online program)

Total value = over $1500!

Check your email to see if you are the lucky winner of today's FREE giveaway draw!

Haven't registered for the FREE giveaway contest yet? No problem! Click the picture below, to enter to win NOW!

Did you like this information? We have so much more like this in our Mind-Body Upgrade program! Click the picture below, to check it out! Early bird registration on now!

Register before December 31 and save $300!

Until next time sending you blessings of healthy abundance...


Rachel and the RJO Wellness team.

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