9 Steps To Manifesting An Abundant Life in 2017
Imagine for a moment.... that this is the year you attract and create everything you want to have in your life. How would that feel? Well, it can happen! All it takes is a little action!
These nine steps will help you get there:
1) Write out your goals. This is by far the most important aspect to manifesting an abundant life. When you are clear about what you want and write it down it will be easier to develop a plan of action to accomplish your goals.
I have developed a tool to help you with this process. Please download this downloadable workbook as my gift to you by filling out the form on the home page.
2) Let go and forgive. Hanging on to the past and old, negative experiences will hold you back from attracting the life of your dreams. You may have had some traumatic experiences that you feel you need to hang on to but letting this go and forgiving the people who may have wronged you will free and release you. It will allow you to move forward. On the other hand, you may be hanging on to past good experiences and long to go back to "the good old days." This will also prevent you from moving forward. Recognize those good experiences, enjoy and cherish the memories and believe that new and exciting experiences are waiting for you.

3) Step out of your comfort zone. Get crazy! Live outside of the box! This means doing things that make you uncomfortable... or thought you would never, or couldn't do. The more you get out of your comfort zone the more you will grow. For example, if you are someone who doesn't really like to exercise really hard switch it up and push yourself. Hire a personal trainer to push you or join a group fitness program. Maybe you desire to have a successful business but you are too scared to talk to people. Perhaps it's time to pick up the phone and connect with people who haven't talked to for awhile... let them know what you're up to. Or, just make a commitment to talk to at least one person you don't know every day. See how you can add value to their life. By pushing past what you have always done you will begin to attract new and exciting things into your life!

4) Enjoy the journey. Rather than always looking ahead or planning for the future take some time to stop and smell the roses. Life is about enjoying the ride, learning and growing as you go. Take a moment each day to be mindful of what's going on in your life. Appreciate each moment as they will be gone too soon. One day you may wish you would have taken the time to be present and cherish what was right in front of you.

5) Embrace failure. Yes, to fail may feel unpleasant but the most successful people in the world will tell you that failure is the only way to learn and grow. Don't be scared to get out and try things, or put yourself out to the world. There are only two things that will happen: 1) you will succeed and get everything you desire, or 2) you will learn something about yourself or how to improve next time. So, get out there and GO FOR IT!

6) Take care of yourself. The body, mind and spirit you have is yours to cherish and take care of. If you don't take care of yourself who else will? Your body is your physical vessel that gets you to where you need to go in this world. Feed it with an abundance of plant-based, organic, non-GMO foods, exercise regularly and watch how your body will provide you with the energy and strength you need to live your life the way you want. Be aware of your thoughts. Recognize when thoughts get negative, release them and replace with positive thoughts. This will keep your mind clear and focused and will allow you to attract what you want. Connect with yourself and nourish your spirit. This may mean connecting with a higher power and knowing that your soul is here for a purpose. Go within and discover that purpose so you can share your gift with the world.

7) Stay positive. Be the most positive person you know. Positivity attracts positivity. What you focus on is what you will get so focus on the good things and everything you want rather than what is going wrong or what you don't want. Take a moment to think about the triggers that cause you to go into a negative space. See if you can eliminate those triggers. This may mean looking at your circle of friends and letting go of the people who keep you in a negative space. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and want to see you succeed.

8) Love, love and love some more. Love is the most powerful, high-vibrational emotion we can feel. Love is healing and attracts abundance. Where is your life could you use more love? Do you love yourself? This is the best place to start because when you love yourself it is easy to love others. Tale a moment each day to look in the mirror and love what you see. State a mantra such as, "I love and accept myself exactly as I am." This is a very powerful statement that can be hard to say at first but if you stick with it your subconscious mind will believe it and then you will be truly in love with yourself. When you love yourself you can love others in the way they deserve to be loved. Practice this daily and watch your life transform.

9) Focus on what is important. This may be the last point but I would say one of the most important. It is easy to get caught up in the little things that bring you stress or get you down. However, save your energy for the things that matter the most such as your family and friends. People and the experiences you have are far more important and meaningful than any material possession in the world. Take time everyday to be mindful that you are focusing your energy on the people you cherish. Life is fragile and short. You never know when it could be your final moment.

Until next time...
Rachel Joy Olsen
Plant-based nutrition, fitness and mind/body expert