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Do you suffer from anxiety? Try this simple mudra

Anjali mudra is also referred to as prayer hands and is often used in yoga at the beginning, end or throughout a yoga practice. In this mudra the palms of the hands are brought together in front of the heart.

In Sanskrit, mudra means sign or seal and is used to bring about a certain state of being and have been used medicinally in Eastern cultures.

How does mudras support the physical, mental and emotional body? By placing the hands together at heart centre in anjali mudra you are connecting the right and left side of the brain and symbolizes the joining of the masculine and feminine. This particular mudra is known to open the heart, calm and balance the mind and reduce anxiety.

How to practice anjali mudra:

1) Sit or stand in a comfortable position.

2) Inhale and draw the arms straight out by your sides, draw them over head and allow the hands to come together.

3) Exhale and bend the elbows as you draw the hands down your front body to your heart centre.

4) Draw your gaze to your hands and close your eyes.

5) Keep you breathing calm as you gently breathe in and out through your nose.

6) This is a good time to repeat a positive mantra such as, "I am calm. I am peaceful. I am love."

As you continue to practice anjali mudra you will notice a deeper sense of calmness, openness and inner connection with yourself.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to deepen your practice, personal and spiritual connection.



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