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The Gift of HEALTH

WELCOME to Day 4 of the 12-Days of Holiday Joy! Each day I will share with you valuable health, fitness, nutrition and/or wellness information and give lucky winners of the draw an amazing gift!

Today I give you the gift of HEALTH!

Gaining better health doesn't have to be complicated. All it takes is a few simple things and you will be healthier and happier in the coming new year.

1) Move your body. Your body was meant to move. The first step you can take towards better health is to take the first step. Get moving! Go for a walk everyday, join the local gym or find a coach who can help you develop a fitness program for you.

2) Eat more fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet can help you manage your weight, reduce your risk of disease, gain better health and more energy. The Canada Food Guide recommends seven to 10 servings daily. If you are an athlete, or more active person, you may require double.

3) Sleep at least 8-10 hours per night. Experts agree that you need adequate sleep to have optimal health. The best sleep is as much as you can before midnight. Crawling in to bed early, reading a good book and practicing meditation will help you relax and get to sleep.

4) Drink enough water. Adequate hydration is essential to maintain good health. There is some disagreements between experts about how much water is enough; however, the generate rule of thumb is 8 cups of water per day. However, depending on body size and activity this will vary. There are many symptoms of dehydration but the easiest one to identify is that if you are thirsty you are dehydrated.

5) Relax and meditate. If you are like most people in the modern world you keep a busy schedule and likely deal with a certain amount of stress, if not an extreme amount of stress, on a daily basis. This increase in stress, and business in the mind, can lead to many health problems. Taking a few minutes each day to quiet the mind and connect with your own heart has many positive effects.

Check your email to see if you are the lucky winner of today's FREE giveaway draw!

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Did you like this information? We have so much more like this in our Mind-Body Upgrade program! Click the picture below, to check it out!

Until next time sending you blessings of healthy abundance...


Rachel and the RJO Wellness team.

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