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30 days of giving - Day #6: Lean out with this high rep, full-body workout

Getting fit does not need to tka e alot of money, time or space. In this workout you will see just how easy it is to get fit and lose weight anywhere.

This workout consisits of six different exercises following the rep count of 20-30-40-50-40-30-20. This means you will start with 20 reps of each exercise, then do 30 reps of each exercise, all the way to 50 reps and then go back down the rep count.

I have added a video to show you how it's done. Enjoy and have fun!

Front lunges (1/2 reps of each side)

Horizontal hip slap (plank then slap one hip at a time)

Log Jumps (hands on med ball, bosu, bench, or step; jump side to side)

DB jumping jacks

Side plank with reps (1/2 reps on each side)

One leg hip raise (1/2 reps on each side)

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