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30 Days of Giving

I have been blessed to work with the most enlightened, loving and blessed people over the past few months. These awakened leaders, from Awakened Academy, have been a key catalyst in me connecting to my soul and higher purpose. I have been better able to recognize and understand my pupose and passion and I am always seeking to get closer and closer to this everyday.

One of their most recent teachings was on how important it is to give from a pure heart center. Most of us are giving to others but expecting an outcome or something in return; however, this reduces the power of the gift.

Think about the times in your life when you have given a gift, voluteered your time, or helped someone. Did you really give from the heart without expecting anyting in return or did you give 100% from the heart without any care for getting anyting back? I know I have been guilty many times for giving with expectations of something in return and then I wondered why there was so much turmoil in my life.

Part of my spiritual and personal growth is to learn to give from the heart without any expectations of results. So, I want to give you a gift. I will post a daily blog that will provide you with some sort of information that will enhance your life in some way. I will share little tidbits of my knowledge of nutrition, fitness, self-development and anything else that I think will provide you with some value. I encourage you to share these gifts with others as well.

Part of giving is also knowing how to receive gifts. Therefore, part of this practice is to be open and willing to also accept the gifts, opporutnities and blessings that are in my life already and that may show up in the future. I understand that by closing myself off from receiving gifts I am shutting down the natural karmic flow. I have already started my receiving practice by being grateful for the beautiful fall mornings we are having. Being able to go for a walk with my dog as the sun shines down on my face is one of the most joyous parts of my day. I know that when I give her, my dog Pebbles, the gift of a morning walk I am also receiving the many blessings Mother Nature has to give.

If you want to join me in a selfless act of giving and receiving challenge, here what you can do:

1) Discover how you can give to others. Perhaps you have a gift you can share with the world or take the opportunity to give to someone in need throughout the day.

2) Recognize how it feels to give and receive. Write these feelings and blessing down in a jounal and five thanks to them daily.

3) If you want to share your gifts with others please feel free to post them to The Mind Body Upgrade Facebook page. This will create a greater community of gift giving and receiving.

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