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Workout Because You Love Your Body NOT Because You Hate It

I saw this quote not long ago on Facebook and I fell in LOVE with it! Why? Because I have had many clients over the years come to me asking to beat them up in the gym just so they can force weight to come off. Most of the time this desire is coming from a place of hate as opposed to a place of love. However, once we implement a few simple techniques they feel better, have an easier time losing weight and have much more joy in their life.

The crazy thing is I completely understand what this is like. For so many years I hated everything I saw in the mirror and I only worked out to hopefully get rid of the excess fat or burn off the excess calories I just ate that day or the night before. This is a problem...

How do you know if you hate yourself?

I am not a psychologist so I can't say for sure if these are the actual signs of self-hatred but they are a few things I have felt when in a state of self-loathing that you might related to:

1) When you look in the mirror you feel sick, angry and criticize every little bump, blemish, or imperfection

2) You find yourself over eating foods you know are not good for you

3) You workout hard in the gym just lose weight or burn off calories you just ate rather than enjoying how it makes you feel

4) You feel guilty if you don't workout, eat too much or make a mistake of any kind in your life

5) You are always sabotaging your efforts. perhaps you have a good workout but then you eat greasy food right after

6) You have this underlying anger and have no idea why or how to get rid of it

7) You get into, and stay in, relationships that are toxic and physically or emotionally harmful to you

8) You don't feel happy and long for more in your life but have no idea how to change

How can you love yourself?

If you want to see positive results in your life, whether that's with your physical appearance, financial situation, career or relationships you must first take some time to create love for yourself. From my experience this is for sure the number one way for any positive change to occur.

Some of the things I did that will help you gain a deeper love for yourself include:

1) Decide to change. Self love will not happen if you do not become aware of the issue and decide to make a change.

2) Take some quiet time to help you discover why you hate yourself so much. This may require some professional assistance. If you need the name of a good psychologist please contact me.

3) Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say to yourself, "I love myself exactly the way I am now."

4) When you think something negative about yourself say, "stop! Thanks for sharing." Then say a positive statement, or complement, to yourself.

5) Surround yourself with positive people and release anyone and everything that is toxic to your life.

6) Take time daily to do something you enjoy. For me this is spending time with my dog, playing guitar and singing. Whatever it may be do something that makes you happy everyday.

7) Start loving the people and things you have in your life. Once you become more grateful for your life you will start to love yourself more.

Of course there are so many more things you can do to enhance your self-love; however, this may just be the start you need.

Self-love techniques is one big part of what you will learn in my new online program, The Mind Body Upgrade, which will be launching very soon. For more information about this program and how it will help you gain more self-love, self-esteem, weight loss, happiness and more click here.

Wishing you a lifetime of healthy abundance!


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