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Is your environment effecting your health?

Many aspects of our life contribute to our overall wellness and one huge factor is the environment you are in. If you are happy, look around you. What things have you brought into your life that have contributed to this happiness? If you are unhappy, take a look at what you have allowed to come in to your life.... this will likely be the cause.

Environmental Factors That Contribute to Your Wellness

1) Your home. Your physical environment, where you live, will contribute to your overall wellness. Think about it. If you have developed a beautiful space that is your sanctuary, somewhere that is clean, organized and a place you love to come home to you will be happier, and probably even healthier. On the other hand, if you live in a house that is cluttered with stuff, always dirty and in chaos, filled with things that don't make you feel good, you will avoid going home and maybe feel unsettled, which can result in you being unhappy and over time this may effect your physical health.

Our advice: You might not be able to move but you can clean out your space. Start with one room at a time. Start in your bedroom. Clean out the closet, pick up all the clothes, get rid of clutter, put up some nice pictures that make you feel relaxed, buy a new bedspread in happy colours and set some mood lighting. Then, when you can move on to the rest of the house. The best thing you can do is clear out the clutter. It will lighten the energy of your space and enhance your wellness.

2) Your peeps. Successful people often say, "You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with." Think about this for a moment... take a look at the people who you have invited in to your life. Are they positive people who encourage you and who only want the best for you? Or, do you find that they are jealous, hold you back and cause you stress? Your social circle very much contributes to your overall health and wellness.

Our advice: Do an inventory of all the people who are in your life. If they make you feel great and give you unconditional love and support yet challenge you to push through your comfort zones and live your nest life then they are keepers! If they drag you down, enable you and make you feel worse about yourself then maybe think about spending a little less time with those people.

3) Your mind. The environment of your mind is perhaps THE most important part of your

environment that contributes to your wellness. Like your house, if your mind is cluttered with a bunch of negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and other garbage you won't be able to live your best life. Think about it... are your thoughts mostly negative or positive? Of course we all have negative thoughts at time but it's how you react to those thoughts that matter. Are you able to say, "Ok, that was negative... what do I need to learn from this?" and then move on, changing the direction into a positive one? Or, do you allow your negative thoughts to take you out of the game. Maybe you find you are cranky all day long or spend the day in bed crying and feeling sorry for yourself.

Our advice: Spend some quiet time alone with yourself for a few minutes every day. This quiet contemplation will allow you to clear out the junk that comes up so that you can clear the environment of your mind and improve your overall state of wellness.

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