30 days of giving - Day #8: Is animal agriculture killing our planet?
There is much controversy out there about what the biggest causes of the destruction of our beautiful Mother Earth really are. Some say it's the carbon emmissions from our vehicles, some say it's fracking and the oil and gas industry and other's say it's the agricultural industry. Which one is it?
It seems it is a combination of all of these things; however, the one that researchers are showing
to be responsible for most of the destruction is the agriculture indusrty. There is a new documentary out called, Cowspiricy, that exposes the truth about ths industry. I have attached the trailer below and for a short time this documentary is available on Netflix. It is worth watching.
As a teacher, my students alwasy ask my opinion on matters of health and wellness and my anser is alwasy the same, "don't take my word for it. Do your research so that you can make informed decisions about everything."
When we buy something we vote with our dollars. In this case, if we purchase meat from a store we are saying "YES" to animal agriculture and the destrcution of our beautiful planet. When we buy any anumal product, not only are we contributing to animal agriculture, but also to the unnessary pain and suffering that many of these animals endure to serve us.
Do you love your planet? Then choose sustainable, environemntally friendly products and do your best not to support companies that are tearing down rainforests to feed livestock.
Do you love your dog, your cat, your bird? Would you want to see them suffer like a pig, cow or chicken does? Then choose to eat plant-based where no animal is harmed to provide you with nourishment. Besides, plant-foods are much mor enutrient dense than animal based foods and for the most part more affordable.
Where are you placing your vote? Say "YES" to sustainable resources and living as consciously as possible. Start by watching this documentary and other informative documentaries including:
- Hungry For Change
- Forks Over Knives
- Blackfish
- Vegucated
- Earthlings