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30 days of giving: Day #23: Are you living your passion and purpose?

The most important question you can ask yourself is: "What would I do if I had all the time and money in the world?" Would you still be doing what you are doing now or would you be doing something exciting and creative?

Every one of us has a purpose to fullfill on this earth, whether we know it or not and it usually relates to what we are passionate about. This purpose will look diffferent for everyone but regardless of what it is our purpose is to serve others. How can you, or do you want to, serve others?

Your dharma, or pupose, is easier to discover than you might think. Here are some simple ways that will help you discover what you passionate about and what your purpose is here in this lifetime:

1) Make a list of all the things you love to do. Get really clear on all of the things you love including foods, experiences, travel, and the things you love to do. Be open and honest with yourself. Don't hold back or not write something down because you feel you "shouldn't" like to do that or that it "won't make money." Just have fun with this list and make it as long as you can.

2) Think about, and identify, what comes easy to you. If you notice that what you do comes with ease then this is a good sign of your purpose and passion. For example, one of my passions is to write. It is easy, and enjoyable for me to do this. When I am inspired I can write all day and finish a book.

3) Look at your life experience. Think about the stuggles you may have endured in your past. This may be a sign of how you can help others. For example, you may have stuggled with an eating disorder and overcame it. Now, you have the experience, and perhaps knowledge, to help others overcome their own trouble with emotional eating.

4) Tap into your heart. Get out of you head and think about what you love. What did you love as a child? Did you alwasy want to be a doctor? How about a painter? Or maybe a mom? By connecting with you inner child you may see a glimpse of your purpose and reconnect to your passion.

5) Think about what makes you happy. How often do you smile at work? Do you love what you do? What fires up your soul and creates a sense of bliss? You can have more than one interest. The key is to do as many of the things you love as you can daily.

6) Ask your family and friends. Sometimes that people you love know you better than you know yourself. Often it's hard to trust our heart but a loved one might notice what you are good at or what you love and be able to help you discover your passion and purpose.

Over the past few years I have been really focusing on dicovering my dharma and I realize that I am already doing what I love just not on a big enough scale. As I became more confident in myself and learned to love myself more and more I made the committment to work on my passion and purpose. I discovered my passion to be that I love to help people enhance their health through writing and educating people on the topic of holistic health and nutrition.

For many years I kept listening to people say, "why bother writing. Writer's don't make any money."

Since I was focused on money, as a student or recent University graduate I thought I needed to push that aside and focus only on making money. However, when I realzied that I can do both I started to write. I knew that even if I never made one cent from my books, articles or other pieces of written work I wouldn't care. I was doing it because I loved it!

Now, as a result of focusing on my passion and purpose I am a published author. In June of 2014 I

released, The Magic of Living Nutrition, a lifestyle and plant-based cookbook, which has sold many copies and has even been endorsed by a physician, Dr. Peter Nieman, who recommends the book to his clients. This book has helped educate many people on the benefits of living an active lifesyle, how and why to cut down on sugar and how to make delicious, plant-based meals.

I have written articles for, and had recipes featured in, local and International magazines, like The Vegan Health & Fitness Magazine.

I have just published my new book, an inspirational fiction novel, Morgan's Journey, a project I was told once was not good enough to be in print. Now, many people aroudn the world are reading it and loving it. If I would have been too self-conscious to release this project, and express my passion, I would not have heard things like this: "The story, Morgan’s Journey, to me was a real story of a young woman’s life; balancing a job, health activities, a social life and love relationship. While the scales tipped often, I identified with main character Morgan as she struggled to maintain all she chose to take on. It was heartbreaking at times but I was pleased as she determined her life priorities and achieved them. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for some inspiration to stay focused on their own dreams." ~ Annette Matisz, Treasurer, Calgary MS Action Group

This touching testimonial was written by one of my readers who was emotionally moved and inspired by this book.

To learn more about this book, click here.

I am now working on three more books, including a new Raw Food cookbook, You Are The CEO of Your Body (co-authored with my mom, Shelley Goldbeck) and Veganology 101, and other passion projects, such as The Mind-Body Upgrade 12-week weight management and wellness program and The Sugar-Free Life, a support system for people who want to release sugar from their lives.

All of these projects will inspire and serve people to be the best version of themselves and gain the best health ever. These projects will be released over the next few months. To stay updated on these projects, and events, feel free to sign up for my newsletter and download my gift to you, a FREE copy of my eBook, "5 Steps to a Magical Life."

I encourage you to start discovering your passion and pupose today. Do what makes you smile every day!

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