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How would you like to lose 25 pounds like I did?

10-days ago I embarked on a journey that would end up being 10 of the best days of my life. Did I go on a holiday?

No... but close!

I did something even better... I chose to invest in myself and take a 10-day vacation from ALL sugar, processed and heavy cooked food. And it was the BEST 10-DAYS ever!

Why did I do this?

Four months ago I was invited to spend a week at Hippocrates Health Institute, a healing and education centre in West Palm Beach Florida. The first day at Hippocrates is your intake day where they take your blood work, weight, height and all sorts of other valuable health information. The thing I will never forget with the number on the scale. I was the heaviest I had ever been...

Weighing in a 168 pounds in the blue corner...... yes, you heard me 168 pounds. I am only 5'5.5"! This was deveistating for me. I had never been this heavy in my life. It was time to do something about it and I was in the right place.

For one week I ate nothing but raw sprouts and drank greend drinks. I sat in the far infrared sauna to detox my body and enjoyed various other health treatments. By the time this week was over I knew my life had changed forever.

Then when I came home reality hit me... living this way was not as easy as I thought.

I went from eating the freshest food to wilted, tasteless salad from the store. What was I going to do? I had to grow my own.

I started sprouting and watching what I was eating and got myself a gym membership again to get back into what I loved doing... working out! Within about 4 months I had lost almost 20 pounds!!

A few months earlier I had been introduced to this amazing superfood company who's owner, David Sandoval, very much lives the same philopohy as Hippocrates Health Insititute. His superfoods, green drinks, pure protein and other health products are 100% organic, non-GMO and vegan, so I thought I would give it another look.

A friend, and now colleague, called me one day and said, "We want you to join us. This is your tribe." He was right. I signed up that day and haven't looked back!

I quickly learned all about the 10-day transofrmation program and love what I saw so I signed up, along with some friends, and was eager to get started!

For 10-days I have followed this plan perfectly. At frist it wasn't easy, I felt hungry and craved foods like popcorn smothered in cocnut oil and salt. However, after a few days the habit of drinking the shakes and taking the supplement sunk in.

Here I am 10 days later and 6 pounds lighter! That means since stepping on the scale at Hippcrates health Institute I have lost 25 pounds!

When I first started this 10-day transformation I couldn't wait to get off it and eat popcorn again but now I plan on sticking with the plan for at least another 10 days, with some modifications so i can work out again, and get even closer to my goals.

If you are ready to lose weight and release yourself of processed food and suagr addictions get started on the 10-day transformation and lose 25 pounds like I did by adding green drinks and other clean foods into my daily routine.

YES! This system really works! Get started today and take a HUGE leap towards a healthier, happier, sexier life!

Check out this video for more information about this great program.

If you are ready to get started CLICK HERE and use the code "joyfulwellness" to save $50 now!

What are you waiting for? A happier, healthier and sexier new you awaits!


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