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30 days of giving - Day# 29: Want to have better sex? The read this...

I bet that got your attention didn't it? It's funny how anything sex related sells yet sex is still very taboo in our culture and many cultures around the world.

I am certainly no sex expert; however, I have been doing a lot of reading lately about how lifestyle choices greatly effect the quality of a person's sex life. So my question is if everyone wants to have more amazing sex then why do they continue to do things than decrease sex drive and sexual function such as:

1) Drinking too much alcohol

2) Doing illicit drugs

3) Taking prescription medications

3) Eating meat, dairy, processed foods and sugar

4) Watching too much TV, playing video games and taking too much time on computers and other electronic devices

5) Disconnected to partner

6) Sedentary lifestyle

Moral of the story, take care of yourself, mind, body and soul, so you function and feel better about yourself and have better sex.

The following clip is from Dr. Brian Clements short talk on sex, health and happiness.

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