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30 days of giving - Day# 16: Card Deck Workout

The Card Deck Workout

Some of you may have heard me talk about this workout or even had the pleasure of experiencing it first hand! I love this workout because you can make it your own depending on what kind of workout you want and what equipment you have available to you.

Here is what you do:

Find your favorite deck of playing cards and attach an exercise to each suit.

For example:

Diamonds = Jump squats

Spades = push ups

Hearts = high knees

Clubs = Full-sit ups

Now, all you do is flip over your card and do the exercise that corresponds to the suit and the number on the card is how many repetitions you do.

So, if you get a 5 of diamonds you do 5 jump squats and so on.

Since the Joker is a wild card you can either throw this one out or choose another exercise such as a 1-minute plank hold.

The key to this workout is to push hard on each round and have fun!

Here is an old video that I posted awhile ago that will show you how to do the workout. I had fun taping the video as I was in Las Vegas in the beautiful sunshine!

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