30 days of giving - Day #27: Meditation - The road to self-discovery
Many years ago I had a coach ask me to spend five minutes a day in silence. At that time of my life
I couldn't spend any time alone let alone sit in silence with nothing but my own thoughts for five minutes. Of course, like the rebel I was back then, I thought she was crazy and discounted her advice.
A few years later I hired a new coach who taught me how important spending this time alone really was if I was goign to make any changes and see results in my life. She began by taking me through a series of visualizations where I would meet with, and talk to, the various parts of me. This exercise allowed me to connect with my higher, or inner, self who would relay messages to me.
Through this process I released many demons and discovered many parts of me that no longer served me and had to be let go. Once I shed most of these selves, or asked them to leave, I could then focus on the person I really am. Although this is an ongoign process I am now able to connect to my inner self and ask her for guidance.
As I deepen my spiritual practice, with my new coaches through Awakened Academy, I have taken my meditation practice to a new level. I find I am able to practice more often and for a longer time period than ever before. I find meditatiing before bed relaxes me and allows me to ask my guides to send me any messages they want me to hear in my sleep.
Meditation is now something I ask all my clients to do when we start coaching together, because now I know it is the key to accomplishing any goal. Once of my clients said, "I had no idea how powerful this practice was until I started to do it everyday. Now I know why Rachel wanted me to start with this. I feel like I can accomplish my other goals with more ease and grace."
If you have never meditated before it can be daunting task. Here are some suggestions to make this process more enjoyable:
1) Start with a few minutes a day.
2) Listen to a guided meditation. It will make staying focused much easier.
3) Put on some relaxing music to keep your mind from wondering.
4) Focus on a mantra, or positive statement, to stay focused.
5) Set an intention and know why you want to add this practice into your daily routine.
Here are some resources that will help you develop a mediation practice:
3) You tube - search for FREE meditations
4) Gaiam TV
Click on the picture below to listen to one of my short meditations to help manifest healthy abundance.